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Excursions en bateau en Martinique

Nos services

Excursions en bateau

Baignoire de Joséphine, Boucle du Vauclin, Balade en mer, ... explorez la Martinique avec les excursion West-Indies Adventures. Découvrez nos activités et essayez-vous à la pêche sportive.

Location de bateaux

Louez un bateau avec skipper pour profiter d’expériences inédites en mer pour un journée complète ou une demi-journée.

Groupes, CE et entreprises

Vous êtes un groupe ? Vous faites partie d’une entreprise et souhaitez offrir des expériences inédites à vos collaborateurs ?

Faites le choix des excursions avec West-Indies Adventures ! Nous nous occupons de tout et vous proposons des découvertes ludiques et inédites à ne pas rater.


Adeline D
Adeline D
To do without hesitation We took the half-day excursion and had a great time with Cap'tain Cyril and his partner! Beautiful landscapes, the explanations that go with them and great homemade treats!!
Thomas L
Thomas L
Very good sea trip! Very good half day spent with Cyril and Robine! A warm welcome, well-distilled explanations, excellent acras and a planter!! To top it off, there were only 4 of us on the boat (capacity of 12). To recommend !
Catherine R
Catherine R
Great boat trip, islets and white bottoms Very friendly captain, full of humor, we spent a very good morning on the different islets. We saw quite a few iguanas on Chancel Islet, the punch and the accras were excellent.
Hortense L
Hortense L
Great experience! Amazing experience with Cyril. He is at the top, super smiling, funny, a very good atmosphere on the boat. Top explanations at each stage of the excursion, I highly recommend!
Julien N
Julien N
To recommend Cyril was recommended to us and we were not disappointed. Good mood, historical details on Martinique, superb boat trip!!! We highly recommend
A walk with magnificent landscapes and a guide full of good humor We spent an excellent afternoon discovering François Bay, its different islets, its white seabed and its iguanas! All guided by Cyril's explanations and above all his good humor, as well as a good planter with his feet in the water with a breathtaking view!
Outing to the white funds with Cyril at the top! Our white background and Chancel Island outing with Cyril was very fun! Cyril doesn't just drive his boat. He gives us explanations and anecdotes throughout the excursion, both about what we see and about the local culture. All this in good humor, we therefore recommend Cyril 100%!
Clemence L
Clemence L
PERFECT PERFECT morning! Cyril made us discover the hidden beauties of the islands and Joséphine's bathtub. A big plus for his unparalleled sense of humor!
Eric L
Eric L
Joséphine's bath morning Thanks to Cyril for this beautiful, friendly and very enriching morning. We had a great time on board in the company of friendly people. In addition, the acras and the planter were very good. Highly recommended. Anaelle's family 🐝!
Christelle A
Christelle A
Unforgettable experience Superb day with the very friendly Cyril. We had a great time and returned with images of paradise in our heads. Lots of laughs too! We thoroughly recommend.
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